Replacing Plastic in your day to day life

Replacing Plastic in your day to day life

Plastic is everywhere. From the more known like your appliances, clothing, computer and more. The lesser known are - Food packaging, Milk cartons (20% plastic), Metal cans are often lined with plastic to keep food fresh, Personal care products (soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, are all wrapped in plastic), Synthetic fibers, Baby wipes and diapers, Feminine Hygiene products contain about 2 grams of plastic, Wrapping paper, Dental Floss, Chewing Gum (polyvinyl acetate), Cigarette filters, Glues, Disposable Coffee Cups, and many more.


Best Alternatives to plastic -

Stainless steel, Glass, Platinum Grade Silicone, Beeswax-coated Clothing, Natural Fiber Clothing, Wood, Bamboo, Pottery and other ceramics, Paper, Cardboard, Reusable carry bags like Jute, Canvas and other durable materials.

How to Break Down the Plastic Habit?

Use plastic free beverage containers like your own coffee cups. You can avoid the unnecessary use of a coffee lid, cup and straw.

Ditch the plastic bag. Using your own reusable bags is a great way of saying no to plastic.

Switch to non-liquid soaps. Liquid soaps and shampoos need a container and it is mostly non reusable plastic. Soap bars and shampoo bars a great replacement.

Choose glass, metal or unlined papers whenever possible. Opt for products that contain least amount of packaging wherever possible.


As you eliminate plastic from your life, you are not only cutting your own contribution to the waste line, you are modeling sustainable living for all those around you. Help spread the word about sustainable living and reevaluating our daily habits and our expectations from the companies we buy from. As our demand for sustainable practices grow, we can cut down the massive increase in plastic usage and reverse the course.

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